How to protect your intellectual property during Mergers and Acquisitions? 

Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) present stimulating chances for development and expansion. Nevertheless, intellectual property (IP) frequently gets less attention than it deserves during negotiations and due diligence. Inadequate protection of your priceless intellectual property during M&A transactions can result in expensive legal disputes, lost sales, and tarnished reputations. Therefore, think of this as your guide… Continue reading How to protect your intellectual property during Mergers and Acquisitions? 

Navigating the Patent Paradox: Balancing Innovation and Monopoly

As a patent attorney, you have to balance supporting new ideas with keeping your clients safe from the problems that come with having too much power. Trying to find the right balance between letting new ideas grow and stopping monopolies from taking over is a bit like walking a tightrope. The Story of Two Sides:… Continue reading Navigating the Patent Paradox: Balancing Innovation and Monopoly

Cosmetics and the Struggle to Obtain Patents on Natural Ingredients

Are you an entrepreneur or researcher in the cosmetics industry with a brilliant innovation involving natural ingredients? While the cosmetics market continues to surge in popularity, obtaining patents on natural ingredients poses a unique challenge. In this blog, we will explore the complex landscape of cosmetics patents, focusing on the struggles faced when seeking protection… Continue reading Cosmetics and the Struggle to Obtain Patents on Natural Ingredients

A Complete Guide to Using SEP Dashboard for Strategic Advantage

The world of Standard Essential Patents (SEPs) is complex and ever-evolving, requiring a strategic and informed approach for both licensees and licensors. In this blog, we’ll explore the comprehensive functionalities of the SEP dashboard Platform, shedding light on how SEP licensees and licensors can optimize their journeys through the intricate web of standards and patents. … Continue reading A Complete Guide to Using SEP Dashboard for Strategic Advantage

Navigating Patent Eligibility in the Tech Age: Section 101 and Software Patents

In the fast-evolving realm of technology, securing intellectual property rights is paramount for innovators. However, the landscape of patent eligibility, particularly concerning software, has been a maze for many. Navigating through this intricacy involves a deep understanding of Section 101—a crucial piece of legislation that has significant implications for software patents. Section 101: The Gatekeeper… Continue reading Navigating Patent Eligibility in the Tech Age: Section 101 and Software Patents

Don’t Forget to Consider These Five Things Before Filing a Patent

Have a revolutionary idea you want to protect with a patent? Many congrats! Getting a patent is a big step in protecting your intellectual property. But before you start this journey, you need to think about five important things if you want to improve your chances of success and avoid possible problems. 1. Do a… Continue reading Don’t Forget to Consider These Five Things Before Filing a Patent

How Using a Negative Claim Restriction Can Be a Positive Patent Strategy?

In patent prosecution, a negative claim restriction often called a negative recitation, is used to broaden the patent’s coverage. One common tactic is to add a “negative restriction” in a claim, which narrows the claim’s scope by excluding traits or parts that are already common knowledge. Let’s take a patent application for a new wind… Continue reading How Using a Negative Claim Restriction Can Be a Positive Patent Strategy?

5 Best Practices for Patent Portfolio Management

If you’re a business owner, then you know that patents are important. They help protect your intellectual property and give you an edge over the competition. But managing a patent portfolio can be difficult. There are a lot of things to consider, and it can be tough to keep track of it all. In this… Continue reading 5 Best Practices for Patent Portfolio Management

How to Adopt Patent Monitoring Services to Track The Patent Filings Of The Competitors

Businesses often promote novel designs, innovative ideas, and methods to produce revenue-generating services and products. Intellectual Property Rights, like patents, usually protect these speculative assets. However, just protecting Intellectual Property (IP) is not enough to remain competing. Businesses with a strong IP strategy also want to track and control their competitors’ IP regularly. So let… Continue reading How to Adopt Patent Monitoring Services to Track The Patent Filings Of The Competitors

Guide To Patenting Your Product- How To Conduct A Patentability Search

What is a Patent Search? A patent search is an essential and foremost step in a patentability assessment. A patentability assessment includes: A patent search. A complete analysis of the references uncovered. A printed report on patentability.   A patent search, also known as patentability search, is the process of assessing the patentability of your… Continue reading Guide To Patenting Your Product- How To Conduct A Patentability Search

Challenges which are Posing a Threat to Inventors in Intellectual Property

Intellectual property describe the works of mind such as books, formulas, films, inventions, music, art, or processes. Intellectual Property (IP) systems can be crucial for firms to transform their innovative potential and creations into market value.    Various types of IPs share a common feature – they are creations of the mind and highlight unique… Continue reading Challenges which are Posing a Threat to Inventors in Intellectual Property

How Competitive Landscape Analysis can Lead to an Effective R&D Strategy?

Competitors understand your business the best” – As the saying goes, it suggests that one must never neglect the importance of having thorough knowledge of their fellow competitors.  The marketplace has become highly competitive over the past few decades as new ideas pour in.   Staying ahead of your competitors has become necessary. Industries hope… Continue reading How Competitive Landscape Analysis can Lead to an Effective R&D Strategy?

Unleash the Power of your Diverse Portfolio and Size Up Revenues

We’re slowly transitioning into the post-COVID phase, and gearing up to adapt with the fundamental shifts in the way our businesses are going to operate hereupon. The attention, worldwide and across industries, will likely shift towards quickly identifying the most profitable assets, and leveraging them for generating immediate revenues.   There will be an ardent… Continue reading Unleash the Power of your Diverse Portfolio and Size Up Revenues