Don’t Forget to Consider These Five Things Before Filing a Patent

Have a revolutionary idea you want to protect with a patent? Many congrats! Getting a patent is a big step in protecting your intellectual property. But before you start this journey, you need to think about five important things if you want to improve your chances of success and avoid possible problems. 1. Do a… Continue reading Don’t Forget to Consider These Five Things Before Filing a Patent

How standard essential patents (SEPs) are used to protect innovation and competition in the tech industry?

Breakthroughs and advances appear regularly in the technology industry, which is why it is always changing. Standard essential patents (SEPs) serve a crucial role in protecting these developments and fostering competition in the sector. Standard Essential Patents (SEPs) protect innovations that are “essential” to a standard’s implementation. Participating businesses in technology standards bodies and industry… Continue reading How standard essential patents (SEPs) are used to protect innovation and competition in the tech industry?

How Using a Negative Claim Restriction Can Be a Positive Patent Strategy?

In patent prosecution, a negative claim restriction often called a negative recitation, is used to broaden the patent’s coverage. One common tactic is to add a “negative restriction” in a claim, which narrows the claim’s scope by excluding traits or parts that are already common knowledge. Let’s take a patent application for a new wind… Continue reading How Using a Negative Claim Restriction Can Be a Positive Patent Strategy?

What Happens When A Patent Is Invalidated?

When a patent is invalidated, it means that the patent no longer has any legal force. This can happen for a number of reasons, including if the patent was granted in error or if it doesn’t satisfy the requirements set forth by the US Patent and Trademark Office. If you are involved in a dispute… Continue reading What Happens When A Patent Is Invalidated?

Taming Patent White Space Analysis

As an inventor or patent holder, you know that in order to protect and enforce your intellectual property rights, it is important to have a clear and concise patent document. However, did you know that the layout of your patent can also play a role in its effectiveness? Patent “white space” refers to the empty… Continue reading Taming Patent White Space Analysis

How to Adopt Patent Monitoring Services to Track The Patent Filings Of The Competitors

Businesses often promote novel designs, innovative ideas, and methods to produce revenue-generating services and products. Intellectual Property Rights, like patents, usually protect these speculative assets. However, just protecting Intellectual Property (IP) is not enough to remain competing. Businesses with a strong IP strategy also want to track and control their competitors’ IP regularly. So let… Continue reading How to Adopt Patent Monitoring Services to Track The Patent Filings Of The Competitors

What‌ ‌are‌ ‌the Essential ‌Questions‌ ‌to‌ ‌Ask‌ ‌a‌ ‌Patent‌ ‌Attorney‌ ‌about‌ ‌Legal‌ ‌Expenses‌ ‌and‌ ‌Intellectual‌ ‌Property?‌

A‌‌consultation‌ ‌with‌ ‌an‌ ‌intellectual‌ ‌property‌ ‌attorney‌ ‌can‌ ‌assist‌ ‌you‌ ‌in‌ ‌learning‌ ‌more‌ ‌about‌ ‌trademarks‌ ‌and‌ ‌how‌ ‌they‌ ‌can‌ ‌help‌ ‌your‌ ‌business.‌ ‌In addition, an‌ ‌attorney‌ ‌can‌ ‌give‌ ‌you‌ ‌a‌ ‌summary‌ ‌of‌ ‌the‌ ‌registration‌ ‌process‌ ‌and‌ ‌describe‌ ‌how‌ ‌to‌ ‌manage‌ ‌and‌ ‌protect‌ ‌your‌ ‌brands.‌ ‌ Are‌ ‌you‌ ‌standing‌ ‌civil‌ ‌or‌ ‌criminal‌ ‌legal‌ ‌actions?‌ ‌Are‌ ‌you‌ ‌beginning‌… Continue reading What‌ ‌are‌ ‌the Essential ‌Questions‌ ‌to‌ ‌Ask‌ ‌a‌ ‌Patent‌ ‌Attorney‌ ‌about‌ ‌Legal‌ ‌Expenses‌ ‌and‌ ‌Intellectual‌ ‌Property?‌

Guide To Patenting Your Product- How To Conduct A Patentability Search

What is a Patent Search? A patent search is an essential and foremost step in a patentability assessment. A patentability assessment includes: A patent search. A complete analysis of the references uncovered. A printed report on patentability.   A patent search, also known as patentability search, is the process of assessing the patentability of your… Continue reading Guide To Patenting Your Product- How To Conduct A Patentability Search

Hiring a Patent Licensing Professional is Extra Beneficial for your Invention. How?

A is a legal right granted to an inventor by the government to exclude others from copying, importing, or selling an invention without their permission. A is demanded by filing at the registered office. The person who files the is called the inventor. A can be granted for any process, device, method, or substance which… Continue reading Hiring a Patent Licensing Professional is Extra Beneficial for your Invention. How?

A Comprehensive Guide On Patent Analytics

A patent is a type of intellectual property right that allows the creator/owner exclusive rights over their products and services. Patents recognize the original creation of an individual, institution, or organization. Intellectual property rights promote innovation by providing the innovators and creators with security and ownership over their services, technology, and ideas.   What is Patent Analytics? Patent… Continue reading A Comprehensive Guide On Patent Analytics

Importance, Purpose, Processes and Methods of Patent Claim Charts and Construction

What is Patent Claim Chart? In general, a Patent Claim describes the extent to which the subject matter of a patent application is protected, as well as the things that are not covered by the claim.   The patent claim chart is primarily used in patent infringement cases. In each row of a claim chart,… Continue reading Importance, Purpose, Processes and Methods of Patent Claim Charts and Construction

5 Tips on How to Patent Your Research

One of the most significant strategies to secure your intellectual property is to obtain patent protection. Companies must differentiate themselves from their competitors based on their intellectual property portfolios to thrive and stay on top of the game.   Let’s take a look at the world of patents and see how these easy guidelines may… Continue reading 5 Tips on How to Patent Your Research

How do startups influence the industrial market and why you should keep a track of it?

Innovation drives the sustainability of any organization as it is the major contributor behind its growth and success. New startups have transformed the industrial markets to a great extent in recent years. This significantly affects the ‘big fishes in the sea’ as these upstarts have created a market of their own.    How does a… Continue reading How do startups influence the industrial market and why you should keep a track of it?

Supporting Entrepreneurship And Innovation Through Tech-enabled Lawyers of the Future

Something remarkable has been going on at the University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School’s Detkin Intellectual Property and Technology Legal Clinic for the past few years (DIPTC).   The DIPTC is helping budding lawyers future-proof their careers by exposing them to advanced tech tools that are becoming increasingly important in IP work. By bringing together… Continue reading Supporting Entrepreneurship And Innovation Through Tech-enabled Lawyers of the Future

Is your Patent Prosecution Support as effective as it could be?

Many initiatives have been implemented in recent years to address application backlog and speed up the examination process, including Track One examination, Accelerated Examination (AE), Full First Action Interview Pilot Program, Prosecution Highway (PPH), and prosecution. Without a doubt, these accelerated programs enhance the patent prosecution support; but, they are also responsible for increasing the expense of… Continue reading Is your Patent Prosecution Support as effective as it could be?

How Competitive Landscape Analysis can Lead to an Effective R&D Strategy?

Competitors understand your business the best” – As the saying goes, it suggests that one must never neglect the importance of having thorough knowledge of their fellow competitors.  The marketplace has become highly competitive over the past few decades as new ideas pour in.   Staying ahead of your competitors has become necessary. Industries hope… Continue reading How Competitive Landscape Analysis can Lead to an Effective R&D Strategy?

Unleash the Power of your Diverse Portfolio and Size Up Revenues

We’re slowly transitioning into the post-COVID phase, and gearing up to adapt with the fundamental shifts in the way our businesses are going to operate hereupon. The attention, worldwide and across industries, will likely shift towards quickly identifying the most profitable assets, and leveraging them for generating immediate revenues.   There will be an ardent… Continue reading Unleash the Power of your Diverse Portfolio and Size Up Revenues